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Plumbers: Back Then, Today, and Tomorrow

When talking about any profession, most people tend to focus on the here and now. That's understandable. it's really important to know what's going on in the present tense. But you are missing out on some vital information if you never read and learn about the history of a profession. This applies to plumbing, in particular. You can really further your understanding of the profession by knowing how it began and what changes have been made over the years. That's why we sometimes reference the history of plumbing on this blog. We'll also dive into the future of the profession from time to time because, after all, you have to know where you're headed.




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Plumbers: Back Then, Today, and Tomorrow

    Maintaining The Septic System Your Home Uses

    Despite your septic system being effective at breaking down solid waste, it will still gradually accumulate solid waste inside it. This can be due to these materials settling on the floor of the septic tank and being covered by other solid waste. As a result, the bacteria in the septic tank may be less capable of breaking it down. Septic Tank Additives Increasing the population of the bacteria in the septic tank can help to improve its ability to break down solid waste.

    Trenchless Sewer Line Repair

    Sewer line repair can be a nightmare since sewer lines exist underground where we have limited access to the pipes. Of course, your sewer line must be in proper working order in order for you to feel comfortable in your home. Traditional repair methods involved digging into the ground and accessing the pipes at the direct location of the problem, taking a lot of time and coming with large repair bills.

    3 Top Reasons Why You Should Install a Foundation Drain Design

    As a homeowner, you may be tempted to neglect the importance of installing an effective drainage system in your home. Unfortunately, it is not advisable because poor drains may pose a health hazard to the occupants of your home. They may also cause flooding, damaging the foot of your house. Fortunately, you can prevent this by hiring a professional to install a foundation drain design on your property. It will prevent water damage and increase the value of your residential home.

    Get A Plumber To Check Out Your Sewer Problems

    When you flush your toilet or run water down your sink, it goes into the sewer line that leads out of your house. That sewer line will meet up with the larger line that runs under your street, and that line will eventually meet up with a larger line until everything gets to the sewerage treatment plant so that it can be treated. Most sewer systems are gravity-driven, which means that as the sewer lines get bigger on their way to the treatment plant, the lines tend to get deeper.

    3 Circumstances When You Should Consider Water Heater Replacement

    Most homeowners buy a water heater hoping that it will serve them for several years. However, the heater can prematurely break down due to accidents or poor maintenance. If the unit is damaged beyond repair or is old and worn out, you may need to replace it. You can also replace the heater if you want a more modern and efficient unit. Before buying a new water heater, you should engage a professional to determine if you really need a replacement and which new model best suits your needs.

    Why Pipe Descaling Is Necessary And How It's Done

    If you've noticed your drains are slow to empty or you keep having frequent clogs, the problem might be with scale buildup inside the drains. Scale can build up in pipes as well as drains. Some types of metal pipes develop scale more than others, but most all pipes can be affected over the years when you have hard water. Here's what causes scale to develop, the problems it causes, and how pipe descaling is done.

    How To Spot The Signs Your Water Heater Needs Repairs

    A broken water heater can leave you uncomfortable. There are few things more irritating than not having hot water when you need it. Unfortunately, water heaters do need repair sometimes. It is best to know the signs that your water heater needs repair before things go bad when you least expect it. By knowing the signs that your water heater needs repair, you will be able to prevent any inconvenience that can be caused by not having hot water.

    3 Parts Of Your Septic Tank That Protect Your Drainfield

    A typical gravity-fed residential septic system consists of a septic tank that temporarily stores waste and a drain field that allows effluent to flow out and filter through the surrounding soil. The design of these systems relies on steady flow and good drainage in the drain field. If portions of the drain field become clogged, effluent can back up into the system and create clogs. Drainfield failures can occur for many reasons, but one common cause is sludge or scum (grease) exiting the septic tank.